Thursday, August 29, 2024

Book Review: Between the Sound and Sea by Amanda Cox

 I love a book that fits multiple genres and this one certainly does. This book is a mystery, historical fiction, and romance all in one. The romance is the kind that where you long for the characters to find each other. The historical elements will make you want to research. I pride myself on being able to guess all the twists, but this book kept me guessing. I was even wrong about a couple things.

The main character, Joey, is pretty relatable. From the very beginning of this book Joey faces the unknown. I think we can all relate to seasons of uncertainty. I like that this Joey chooses adventure and shows us that uncertainty isn't always a bad thing. Not knowing could be the start of something great. 

The author, Amanda Cox, does a fantastic job in setting the scene. You can really imagine yourself at the lighthouse or among the crashing waves. The emotional state is also very well written, making it easy to feel along with the characters. 

This book has just the right amount of twist and thrills without being scary. It easily checks boxes for multiple different types of readers. Whether you're looking for a good thrill, a realistic romance, or book that tackles real life struggles, this book has something in it for you. I highly suggest giving it a read. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Book Review: Her Part to Play by Jenny Erlingsson

 This book contains everything you want in a feel-good romance. Yet, there is so much more about this book that I love. 

The characters are very well-written and believable. I enjoyed how the characters would turn towards their faith during moments of struggle. You can really notice the growth of the characters from the start of the book to the end of the book. They learn more and become better as you read through their story. 

I also enjoyed how the author, Erlingsson, portrayed the relationships in Adanne's life. The author did a great job explaining the grief of losing a loved one as well as capturing the relationship of a new romance. Even during those sappy feel-good romantic moments, the book remained believable and easy to picture. 

A lot of why this book was so believable is the multiple redemption angle. This book does a good job reminding of us to let go of what we once wanted and let God give us just what we needed. It reminds of how forgiving others can be healing for us as well. I think it also grief and the healing process really well. 

This book is such a feel-good book and it's not just the romance. It's a great reminder of keeping the faith. I highly recommend this book. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Book Review: Hidden in the Night by Elizabeth Goddard

 This book has all the elements of a good thriller. There is plenty of suspense and twists to keep you wondering what will happen next. It also has the makings of a good mystery. There is a puzzle here to solve and you will only get one piece at a time. I enjoyed this as I like to try to uncover the mystery before it has been revealed. 

The romance in this book was my least favorite element. I am not a fan of heavy inner dialogue to explain romance. Also, the romance seemed very childish. Maybe I am missing context from an earlier book, but it really seems like a teenage romance and not an adult one. What I mean is that feelings are high without knowing each other and communication is low. Think Romeo and Juliet without the tragedy. It just doesn't seem likely for two mature adults.

My favorite element of this book is the melding of thriller and mystery. A missing manuscript that main character, Ivy must retrieve is very much so classic mystery. The suspense in this book makes it a clear thriller. Making Ivy a retired FBI agent was also a very smart move. It adds to the uniqueness of this book.

I enjoyed reading this book but wish I would have read them in order. This book is fine as a stand-alone, but I think I would enjoy the whole series even more. I received this book from Revell in exchange for this honest review.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Book Review: The Ark and the Dove by Jill Eileen Smith


The Ark and the Dove by Jill Eileen Smith is a beautiful retelling of a familiar story. Smith does a fantastic job of keeping Biblical accuracy while letting imagination run wild. Smith’s imagination helps you feel the story you probably already know in a more real way. The way Smith goes into deep detail of the characters and settings really helps you picture what might have happened.

Another beautiful thing about this book is how well we get to know Zara, Noah’s wife. I think I sometimes struggle to look at the views of the supporting characters when it comes to the Bible. I had often pictured what it would be like to be Noah, but before this book I had not even considered what life was like for Zara.

This book is both a story and a spiritual tool. On the one hand, it is an enjoyable and exciting read. On the other hand, it teaches how to look at the whole picture when reading your Bible. It can be easy to read the Bible and not grasp that people really lived through those things. This book shows us how we can use our imaginations to get a fuller understanding of the Bible.

I am happy to have had the pleasure to receive this book for free in exchange for my honest review from Revell. I do highly recommend this book as well as the previously reviewed “Daughter of Eden” which is also by Jill Eileen Smith.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Book Review: Double Take by Lynette Eason

     Double Take by Lynette starts in such a thrilling place, but the twists continue to the very end. I will say that because it starts in such a thrilling spot, I do feel like the book starts in the middle of a story. Before you even open the book, you know from the back of it that Lainie endured an attempted murder by her ex. I very much so would have liked to know about Lanie's original relationship with her ex. This being said, it doesn't take long to jump right into the story and find it enjoyable.

    The most enjoyable thing about these stories are the relationships between the characters. It's the way that the friendships are written that make the characters so believable. Lanie's relationships with the different characters are unique and believable.

    Let's be honest. I chose this book for the drama and not the romance. I find romance in books is usually that "too perfect" to the point of cringey. This being said, the romance in the book was definitely there, but not overpowering. 

    I really enjoyed this book and all its twists. I put this book down feeling like I had met Lainie. I was briefly introduced to Kenzie who is the main character of the next book. This book definitely made me want to pick up the next one and meet Kenzie too.

    I received this book for free in exchange for this honest review from the Revell Reviewing Program. 

Friday, September 8, 2023

Book Review Letters from My Sister by Valerie Fraser Luesse

     Letters From My Sister is a story about two sisters who are very close, but one of them is hiding something. Callie knows her sister has a secret, but can't remember what it is. When they are separated they write letters to each other. Callie hopes to find what she can't remember within them.

    The characters are really well thought out in this book. I love how unique and real they are. Callie and Emmy have this special bond that is very well written.

    This book is not a "feel good" book. In fact, it touches on some real tragedies. I would read with caution if sad topics affect you.

    As for the plot, I really wasn't impressed. The big secret was a let down. I was left confused as to why it was a secret at all. Mostly this book is just tragedy, including the plot.

    This being said, I would still attempt another book by Valerie Fraser Luesse. Her characters alone are enough for my to try again. Her verbal imagery is beautiful as well. While I didn't like the story, the story was easy to picture.

I received this book for free from Revell in exchange for this honest review.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Book Review: This is Where it Ends by Cindy K. Sproles


    This was a beautiful love story, although not so much a romance story. Minerva has reached the age where she feels as if she might go any day. She also seems to be welcoming the coming of that day. That is, until she finds an unlikely friend in the young Del. When Del comes looking for answers to a secret long kept, Minerva must decide between an old promise and trusting a new friend.

    While I would still consider this book a love story, it also still has some very sad themes. Minerva has had some real struggles in her life. These struggles are portrayed in a way that makes her seem very real to the reader. I enjoyed learning every new thing about her.     

    The most beautiful part of this book is the character development we see in Minerva. It's truly beautiful watching Minerva experience a love she never has in the most unlikely of places. I also enjoyed that through her change, she never lost her witty sense of humor. While the plot is great, Minerva is what makes this book a "must-read".  I highly recommend this book.

I received this book for free from Revell in exchange for this honest review.