31 Proverbs To Light Your Path
Liz Curtis Higgs
I love Proverbs. Its one of my two favorite books of the Bible: Psalms and Proverbs. That's why I chose this book to review. Upon receiving it, I realized I have also read and reviewed "32 Verses to Write On Your Heart". I'm happy to have yet another book by Liz Curtis Higgs, especially since the two books are extremely similar.
Each day you will find a new Proverb, a devotional, a prayer, and something called "one minute one step". The devotional gives information on the verse and breaks it down into small chunks. You're sometimes reading only three words of the verse while getting paragraphs of information on that small chunk.
The "One Minute, One Step" is an amazing piece of the devotional. It lets you to take all you learned in that day and apply it to your everyday life. If that's not enough application there's also a study guide in the back of the book to dive even further.
In my review of "32 Verse to Write on Your Heart" I called that book a tool. This book is the same. It's not just information, it's got the actual steps for application. This is a wonderful book.
I received this book for free from Blogging for Books in exchange for this honest review.