Saturday, October 28, 2017

Book Review: 31 Proverbs To Light Your Path

31 Proverbs To Light Your Path

Liz Curtis Higgs

I love Proverbs. Its one of my two favorite books of the Bible: Psalms and Proverbs. That's why I chose this book to review. Upon receiving it, I realized I have also read and reviewed "32 Verses to Write On Your Heart". I'm happy to have yet another book by Liz Curtis Higgs, especially since the two books are extremely similar.

Each day you will find a new Proverb, a devotional, a prayer, and something called "one minute one step". The devotional gives information on the verse and breaks it down into small chunks. You're sometimes reading only three words of the verse while getting paragraphs of information on that small chunk.

The "One Minute, One Step" is an amazing piece of the devotional. It lets you to take all you learned in that day and apply it to your everyday life. If that's not enough application there's also a study guide in the back of the book to dive even further.

In my review of "32 Verse to Write on Your Heart" I called that book a tool. This book is the same. It's not just information, it's got the actual steps for application. This is a wonderful book.

I received this book for free from Blogging for Books in exchange for this honest review.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Book Review - The Wonder of Advent Devotional by Chris Tiegreen


Christmas is all about Christ's birth, but how easy it is to forget during this busy time of the year. This book is a great way to get back to the true meaning of Christmas. I do suggest reading it with your entire family so you can all celebrate Christ's birth together.

The devotionals are meant to be started on November 24th and go until Christmas. I like how they span the entire holiday season, because a devotional is just what's needed as the days get busier. The devotionals vary in type but they mostly include a Bible Verse, a bit of the story of Christmas, and Quotes from a Christmas Carol. They give you references for further study which gives you the opportunity to dive deeper by yourself and the discussion questions give you an opportunity to discuss and grow with your family.

Chris Tiegreen does a wonderful job of reminding us daily of the reason for the season. I truly believe this book is a great addition to any home. It will help us think of Christ as we give, get, and share time with our families. I suggest this book to any family wishing to dive deeper this holiday season.

I received this book for free from Tyndale in exchange for this honest review.

I give this book 5 out 5 stars.

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Habits of the Heart (A Book Review)

Product Details
Habits of the Heart
365 Daily Exercises For Living Like Jesus
by: Katherine Butler
(A Book Review)

They say don't judge a book by the cover. However, this book is beautiful inside and out. The outside is made to look realistically like stained wood with rose gold lettering and a cute heart. It's simple, yet elegant. It makes you want to set it out on your shelf, but yet it's small enough to carry in your purse.

The devotionals within the book are absolute soul food for every level of believer. I truly feel like each devotional applies to me within my daily life. Each devotion has a title, verse, short (very short) devotional and an exercise to live it out the verse.

I recently wrote a review where I was displeased with a devotional due to the short daily reading. Yet, this devotional has the "do" that really makes up for it completely. The devotional itself may be short, but you also have a task that helps you live it out and really helps you grow in Christ.

The only thing I don't like about this book is the fact it's not available in paperback. I know the hardcover is the most beautiful book binding I've ever seen, but I like the option. It also should be noted it goes by the date and some find that annoying. However, I find it a motivator to know that I'll be reading the days devotion on the day it's dated. If it wasn't for it, I would be tempted to put off reading.

I received this book for free from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

Seeing the Unseen - Randy Alcorn (A Review)

Seeing The Unseen
Randy Alcorn

This is a wonderful devotional for a multitude of reasons. It's a 90 day devotional that starts with an introduction and index. In each chapter you'll find a title, a small statement about what the chapters about, the body of the devotional, two scripture verses, and two quotes. Each chapter also has a "For more:" so you can dig deeper into the topic of the day if you wish.

This devotional really does have a little of everything. I really enjoyed the quotes in addition to the usual scripture verses. It was also nice to have the "For more" section for if the days devotion just wasn't long enough for you. 

The devotions do tend to be a little short at just a few paragraphs each, but I think the two scripture verses, two quotes, and the opportunity to learn more through the "For more:" really make up for it. All in all I would rate this devotional 4 out of  5.

The only downfall? The devotions were very general. The quotes helped, but I felt like this was a very basic almost new believer level. While it's great for someone else, it wasn't my favorite. I received this book for free in exchange for this honest review.