I was excited when I saw this clever little card game. Puns are not my strong point, but I had high hopes in becoming a little more "punny" when making jokes (get it?). I must say, this game is a little more confusing then expected.
The game starts out by someone reading a joke which is supposed to be answered with a pun that fits, although there is an answer on the card. That earns you an extra 30 seconds in the round (this is only done once). Then each round you are given a verb and noun to make puns out of. You get points based on how many puns you make. The winner gets to pick one of two mystery envelopes (which you fill out a slip saying what "prizes" could be won). I think the two mystery envelopes are unnecessary and kind of confusing. Not everyone has prizes on hand and if you must include prizes why not one known prize? In short, the game is over-complicated.
The game even brags that it will soon replace the popular game "Cards Against Humanity". That is just a lie. In fact, this game is lower on the "fun" meter than the similar "Apples to Apples". I guess I had hoped that a game all about making puns, which is form of joke, would be more funny.
Punderdome had great potential, but they over-complicated. If they really wanted to be as great as "Cards Against Humanity" they should have kept it just as simple as they did, with only two decks of cards without any added prize envelopes or "starter jokes". I do suggest this game, as it does get you thinking, but I suggest using only the two decks of cards and just going wild thinking of puns. You can even assign points if you wish. I do plan on playing this again with my friends, but simplified.
Due to the excessive amount of over-complication I give this game 2 out of 5 stars.
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